SignAlert Flashing Sign System

We all recognize the importance of reflectivity on the signs and safety devices that line our Highways and Roadways and the value it serves to the motoring public.

However, reflectivity may not be enough to raise awareness where awareness is critical.

This is why TraffiCalm™ and Traffic Control professionals alike have long recognized that certain sign situations are more critically important than others.  Some signs simply cannot be ignored. There has been a growing need in the industry for a simple and affordable way to retrofit existing signs with additional levels of warning for those situations that demand them — and to do this in such a way that the additional alert system can be motion activated to conserve power and extend the life of the LEDs.

The Solution – TraffiCalm™ Flashing Sign Systems that field retrofit onto almost any existing sign.

TraffiCalm Sign Alert On Street

Basic Sign Flashing System

Basically Awesome.

Radar Compatible

Radar activation improves violator response and maximizes the effectiveness of the system

24/7 or Scheduled Operation

System can be scheduled which can raise sign awareness only when needed. Benefiting school zones and other time-sensitive signs the most.

Power Options

Plenty of AC and Solar options to ensure operability on every road

Wi-Fi Setup

Complete setup via a Wi-Fi interface. Works on any Wi-Fi device. No downloads. No disks or drives. No need for internet!

The TraffiCalm™ Basic Flashing Sign System produces amazing results at minimal cost. Because the system is designed to be retrofit to existing signs. Ease of use and intuitive setup result in a system that works as desired without an engineering degree (no offense PEs, we appreciate you!)

TraffiCalm Sign Alert Basic
TraffiCalm Sign Alert Advanced

Advanced Sign Flashing System

Less Basic, More Awesome. Includes all the benefits of the basic system plus!

Radar Compatible

Radar activation improves violator response and maximizes the effectiveness of the system

Device To Device Sync

These are advanced systems that allows signs to "talk" to one another. 

These signs have a cutting edge wireless radio that can be programmed to work in sequence to where if one sign lights up other signs can light up as well, producing flashes that activate in less then 400 milliseconds. 

Power Options

Plenty of AC and Solar options to ensure operability on every road

Connected Vehicle Ready

Connected Vehicle integration is ready when your roads are. With your car connected to the internet, it will be able to receive information on sign systems beforehand so you know what's up ahead. An example could be road work ahead.

TraffiCalm™ Advanced Flashing Sign Systems provide one giant advantage over our Basic systems- Connectivity. Between devices, a single activation can trigger multiple signs. From a single controller, hundreds of collaborators can sequence flashing. From one configuration, thousands of events can be scheduled. Wirelessly collaborating signage has never been so attainable. And as with all TraffiCalm™ solutions, setup is a breeze and usability is sky-high.

Calender Icon Globe Icon Bank Note Icon Smart Power Icon
Scheduled Operation Consolidated Setup Budget Conscious Smart Power
Detailed time clock setup for scheduled warning built into every unit One controller, unlimited applications including Push 2 Cross, Curve Warning, Wrong Way Mitigation, and Icy Road Warning Top to bottom affordability is at the core of everything TraffiCalm™ manufactures AC or Solar options with field-replaceable batteries and intelligent charging will continue to function in any weather
Exclamation Point Icon Tools Icon Retrofit Icon Wireless Icon
Unmistakable Warning Hassle-Free Install Retrofit Design Wireless Everything
High-Intensity LEDs and Fog Buster Technology for visibility night and day No dirt moved means fewer permits and projects completed in hours, not weeks LED flashing enhancement rings mount to existing sign faces for fast implementation Blazing fast wireless setup on all systems and synchronized radios between advanced systems result in less planning and less connecting

Comparison Table

Features Sign Alert Basic Sign Alert Advanced
Radar Compatible: Radar activation improves violator response and maximizes the effectiveness of the system Check Mark Check Mark
24/7 or Scheduled Operation: System can be scheduled which can raise sign awareness only when needed. Benefiting school zones and other time-sensitive signs the most. Check Mark Check Mark
Power Options: Plenty of AC and Solar options to ensure operability on every road Check Mark Check Mark
Wi-Fi Setup: Complete setup via a Wi-Fi interface. Works on any Wi-Fi device. No downloads. No disks or drives. No need for the internet! Check Mark Check Mark
Device To Device Sync: These are advanced systems that allow signs to "talk" to one another.  X-Mark Check Mark
Connected Vehicle Ready:  Connected Vehicle integration is ready when your roads are. With your car connected to the internet, it will be able to receive information on sign systems beforehand so you know what's up ahead. X-Mark Check Mark
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